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3 Study Tips to Help You Ace Every Test

Have you been struggling to study? Spending too much time on Facebook and YouTube? Can’t seem to study effectively? Then what you need is these three easy steps to help manage the oncoming term:

Tip Number 1 – Find what works for you!

Everyone is different and everyone needs to study differently. You need to determine exactly what kind of learner you are and figure out what techniques will allow you to memorize what you need to know. The University of Melbourne has a great quiz you can take to find out what type of learner you are. I encourage you to take this test and learn if you should be writing things down, saying them out loud or whatever else it is that works for you. Personally, I love using flash cards to learn and you can find many great websites that can make this process fun and easy.

Tip Number 2 – Start studying early!

This is possibly the oldest tip in the book, DON’T LEAVE STUDY TILL THE NIGHT BEFORE! Whilst this may seem obvious, it shocks me how many students fail to do this. I talk to so many young students who when asked how they are preparing for their tests simply shrug and say, “It’s like a week away, I still have time”. This kind of mindset is unsustainable as the idea that anyone can learn a term’s worth of content in a meagre few rushed nights is laughable at best. So, what I recommend is to simply do your homework every night and study at least twice a week per subject. Revising is the best way to prepare yourself for an exam

Tip Number 3 – Treat yourself!

If you are anything like me you probably procrastinate a little bit too much, but with this little trick you can turn your YouTube addiction into an invaluable tool! So what I do is set little goals, things like finishing a page of work or typing 100 words. Then I let myself break before doing it all over again. Rewarding yourself for studying helps to break up study and make it more enjoyable. Just make sure you don’t reward yourself more than you work!

These have been KALEB’S TOP 3 STUDY TIPS TO HELP YOU ACE EVERY TEST! Follow them and Term 4 will be a breeze!

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