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4 Tips To Help You Fall Asleep Faster

1. Make Your Room a Sanctuary

The first step to fall asleep is to achieve comforting and restful lighting. This can be done through low wattage bedside lamps and lampshades in soft neutral tones. Window coverings are another thing and are a matter of personal preference. Some people need a pitch black room to sleep well (like me!), whilst others need natural light to seep through in the morning to wake them up. On the weekends, it's a good idea to create a darker atmosphere, so you don't feel pressured to wake up and get out of bed.

2. Stick To A Regular Bed Time

Keeping a systematic bedtime and wake-up schedule enhances your body's ability to fall asleep and actually feel refreshed and rejuvenated the next day. Avoid varying your bedtime by more than one hour from on night to the next.

3. Avoid Technology

This one is quite obvious and you've probably heard it a million times before, but for those of us who mindlessly surf Instagram and Snapchat whilst in bed, here is a million and one: No screens an hour before bed. The reason why, is that screens hinder the production of melatonin, and since melatonin induces sleep it is something we don't want to inhibit. That Snap and those Friends reruns can wait until tomorrow.

4. Make a Hot Drink

Chamomile tea can be your best friend when it comes to falling asleep. It has anto-anxiety effects and some research suggests it increases levels of glycine, which is apparently a natural sedative. Most people can agree that it is simply the warmth of the drink that calms and relaxes you and the whole process of making a cup of tea can also be quite relaxing.

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