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Pom Poms. The versatile balls of fluff never cease to provide adequate sprucing to a space or object. Even if you consider yourself a non-crafty person, the art of Pom Pom making is simple and quick to master. If you already know how to make the Pom Poms, props to you (and your Primary teacher). If not, buckle up and let’s go.

Whether you decide to attach them to your pencil case, make enough for a jewellery set, or simply tie them to a hook in your room, the choice is yours. But earrings are definitely a winner in our books.

What you’ll need:

  • Yarn in a colour of your choice

  • Scissors

  • Cardboard

  • Felt Pen

  • Cup

If you choose to take it to the next level and make earrings:

  • Two pom poms in colours of your choice​​

  • Two earring hooks and jump rings

Part One: Creating the Pom Pom Maker (don't worry, it's reusable)

  1. Using the felt tip marker and cup as a guide, stencil a circle onto the cardboard. Within this, mark a smaller circle about 2/3 in from the outside.

  1. Cut along the outside of the cardboard circle and in to the second one, creating a 1-2cm gap in the cardboard. It should effectively look like a donut with a small chunk missing.

  1. Using this, trace the outline of the cut-out onto the cardboard to make another identical donut. Cut it out in the same way as the first.

  1. Place the two parts together and there you have it- a Pom Pom maker.

Part Two: Making the actual Pom Pom

  1. Taking the Pom Pom maker and yarn, wrap the yarn around the cardboard. There's no need to initially tie the yarn on, just wrap over it.

  1. Continue to wrap the yarn around the cardboard until it is completely covered. The thicker the better as it means your Pom Pom will be denser.

  1. Cut the yarn when the Pom Pom is thick enough and tuck it into the rest of the yarn. No need to tie it off.

  1. Take the scissors and begin to cut between the two cardboard pieces of the Pom Pom maker. Be sure to hold the yarn as you cut is so it doesn't go astray.

  1. Cut a long string of yarn and slot it the entire way between the two cardboard halves after the yarn is cut apart.

  1. Tie the string of yarn into a double knot around the yarn.

  1. Remove the cardboard, trim the stray edges and bask in the greatness of your Pom Pom. Make another. Maybe 12.

Part Three: Earring Time

  1. Attach the jump rings to each earring hook.

  1. Take the two pom poms and cut their attaching strings to a length that is ideal for hanging from your ears.

  1. Thread the end string through the jump ring, double knot it over your finger and trim the excess string from the knot.

  1. Boom! Instant craft street cred! Wear them with pride and whenever you get compliments, be sure to shout that you made them.

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